CBM Collectors Collections - Clonekiller72 Print
Saturday, 11 February 2012 06:28
John Arturo - When did you start collecting and how did you get into the hobby? Robert Sadlowski - Like many collectors Star Wars was my doorway to collecting. I grew up during the 80's and was very blessed with great toy properties throughout my early life. I like to say I started collecting at 3 years old, mainly because many of the toys I still display are my original childhood pieces. My father spoiled me with toys at a young age, so between him and George Lucas My psychosis' were born. Thank god my lovely wife supports it! John Arturo - Your collection is amazing and huge, but I have to ask, how long does it take you to dust? Robert Sadlowski - Let's just say if I hated spiders before, I lothe them now. It's literally a never ending battle. It took me nearly two years to complete the set-up alone,

Read more: http://www.comicbookmovie.com/fansites/johnarturo/news/?a=54511&t=CBM_Collectors_Collections_-_Clonekiller72