Lookin’ to Connect: Justice League Edition! Justice League of America #7a/7b, Justice League of America #8-10 and Justice League #22/Justice League of America #6/Justice League Dark #22 Print
Tuesday, 17 February 2015 18:27
This is the latest installment of a feature where I spotlight interconnecting covers. I will feature three selections each installment, with my current plan being to feature one diptych, one triptych and one tetraptych (or larger). Here is an archive of all of the covers listed so far. I am sure you have suggestions for […]

Read more: http://goodcomics.comicbookresources.com/2015/02/17/lookin-to-connect-justice-league-edition-justice-league-of-america-7a7b-justice-league-of-america-8-10-and-justice-league-22justice-league-of-america-6justice-league-dark-22/