Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye #38 Print
Tuesday, 10 March 2015 03:47
With More Than Meets The Eye #38, James Roberts’ Cybertronian Trilogy comes to a triumphant conclusion as nearly everything in the series so far comes rushing to a head.More so even than usual, this is a dense read. As ever, time travel is a risky proposition that can require quite a lot of upkeep to function. Nonetheless, Roberts keeps the issue lively and exciting, building the timey-wimey shenanigans that have allowed his story to function lo these many months into the drama with impressive naturalism. Despite the closed time-travel requiring certain events to occur, Roberts keeps the action surprising and the focus on his characters.Brainstorm, our villain, definitely receives the brunt of the attention, filling in our understanding of his motives and many of the events that have made this season tick. Despite the attention he receives, longtime readers might be disappointed to discover that the big question hanging over his head; or under his mask, as it were; remains unanswered, but what comes out in the process makes that answer seem near infinitely more complicated and, accordingly, far more interesting.The dramatic circumstances allow Roberts to show us the character of his misfit band of robot heroes, if you dare to call them that. Brainstorm gets some of the best lines, especially when confronted with his ‘murder attempt’ aboard the Lost Light, but there are plenty of other great moments. Roberts ties Chromedome and Rewind into the proceedings quite nicely, giving them a very cute moment along the way, and Rung gets to be quite the badass for a minute. We even get an odd sort of heroism from Whirl.It also bears mentioning that Roberts makes a bold move by choosing an explanation that doesn’t necessarily maximize conflict, one of those “rules” of writing, but the way he choses to tell his story makes it much more interesting than the textbook structure we often receive. It’s really quite beautiful the way Roberts ties his story together. This is a truly character driven story, with the consequences of their actions playing out across all of time and space and, especially after all we’ve been through with the crew of the Lost Light, we can really feel the weight of each individual action as well as the sweeping results for the Transformers Universe. Perhaps it’s precisely because of the universe ending stakes we’re dealing with that MTMTE #38 is so funny, after all, if this series has a lesson to teach it might well be to remember to laugh when times are hard and be willing to cry and rage, even when things are good for you.Alex Milne’s artwork is lovely, as always. This issue he gets a chance to show off what he can do from a distance, having to convey the actions of a very large cast in an even larger number of panels. In fact, one of the most interesting things about this issue artistically is the degrees of detail in various panels. As the character most likely to get a  panel to himself, Brainstorm receives a huge number of prominent compositions that play up his differing emotional states and degrees of damage.I could spend a while longer looking for adjectives to describe Milne’s work, but it’s the end of an incredibly continuity heavy arc, if you don’t know what it means when I say that Milne brings his same quality and consistency to this issue as he has to the last three, you probably should be reading them instead. So, I’ll tip my hat to Mr. Milne and take a moment to look at a less mentioned collaborator who does a particularly strong job this month, Joana Lafuente.There seems no more apropos way to say this, “Predestination: An Expert’s Guide” has a lot of freakin’ colors and they’re all vibrant and intelligent and never in competition with one another. Indeed, it feels like Lafuente has really upped her game. Not only are the colors a tad brighter than they were in months before, but the attention to lighting is just splendid all throughout the issue. Those panels from Rewind’s perspective are a fine example of how Lafuente really brings out the best in Milne’s linework.The post Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye #38 appeared first on Weekly Comic Book Review.

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