STAR WARS: George Lucas Says Han NEVER Shot First PDF Print E-mail
Thursday, 09 February 2012 14:07
As we all know, the most fan blasted movie in George Lucas' Star Wars prequel trilogy is hitting theaters tomorrow in 3D. So ol Georgy boy is doing the rounds, promoting the movie, answering questions etc. In one particular interview with THR, he attempts to clear up the whole "who shot first" kerfuffle. If you are unaware what that is (how can you call yourself a geek?), basically in the original version of A New Hope Han Solo "appears" to shoot the bounty hunter Greedo in cold blood to escape capture. It's a fairly shocking moment that contributed to the notion of Solo as a good guy, but one that wasn't afraid to get downright ruthless when he had to. But in the special edition version released years later, Greedo clearly shoots first making Han's killing shot self defense, and basically neutering the man's bad-ass status. Here is what Lucas had

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